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방향전환값얻기: JUST 1 row! // Orientation 의결과값을얻어온다. if (AccOrientation.GetState(ref state)!= SmiResultCode.Success) return; 특정방향을모니터링하고싶다면? // 특정방향Do Action 모니터링핸들러등록 AccOrientation.RegisterHandler(SMI_ORIENTATION_FACE_UP, DoActionOrientation); 모든방향전환시모니터링하고싶다면? // 이벤트핸들러..
Getting Started with Building Windows Mobile Solutions with Visual Studio and Windows Mobile 6 SDK http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd721907.aspx Windows mobile developer center http://msdn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/windowsmobile/default(en-us).aspx InnoLab: 삼성모바일SDK Samples http://innovator.samsungmobile.com/bbs/innovlab/list.do?platformId=2&categoryId=302 Lab.dev : 디바이스원..
Getting Started with Building Windows Mobile Solutions with Visual Studio and Windows Mobile 6 SDK http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd721907.aspx Windows mobile developer center http://msdn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/windowsmobile/default(en-us).aspx InnoLab: 삼성모바일SDK 소스샘플 http://innovator.samsungmobile.com/bbs/innovlab/list.do?platformId=2&categoryId=302 Lab.dev : 디바이..
if (Request.UrlReferrer == null) { Response.Redirect ("list.aspx"); } else { string refer = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString (); string ServerPath = Request.Url.ToString (); ServerPath = ServerPath.Substring (0, ServerPath.LastIndexOf ("/")); if (refer.IndexOf (ServerPath) == -1) Response.Redirect ("list.aspx"); }
private string GetUniqueFileNameWithPath (string dirPath, string fileN) { string fileName = fileN; int indexOfDot = fileName.LastIndexOf ("."); string strName = fileName.Substring (0, indexOfDot); string strExt = fileName.Substring (indexOfDot + 1); bool bExist = true; int fileCount = 0; while (bExist) { if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (dirPath, fileName))) { fileCount++; fileName = strName + "("..
SqlCommection Con = new SqlConnection (); Con.ConnectionString = "server=(local); database=Pubs ..."; Con.Open (); SqlTransaction trans = Con.BeginTracsaction (); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand (); Com.Connection = Con; Cmd.Transaction = trans; try { string Sql; 처리 로직 trans.Commit (); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback (); } finally { Con.Close (); }